Lifestyle post lockdown - The new normal


Mother earth and by extension human beings have survived the greatest of threats to their existence, over the years. Be world wars, cold wars, natural disasters or earlier pandemics. Leading Virologist and adviser to WHO, Dr Fauci has also optimistically said that human beings will survive the ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It is only after proper testing and taking strict measures that citizens abide by that we can defeat the pandemic, and that is very likely.

The advancements in medical science today gives countries, states and people confidence that the COVID-19 pandemic will be over soon. While India is on a 21-day lockdown until April 14, it is unlikely that the lockdown will be lifted until each and every case is tracked down and treated.

As the prime minister rightly said, the new decade of 2020 is going to be defined in terms of “pre-corona” and “pro-corona”.

Lifestyle post lockdown - The new normal

So how is life going to post the lockdown?

First and foremost, the normalcy of life and the lifestyle of people is likely to be redefined in the post-coronavirus phase. When the lockdown is lifted and the government is sure that no more infections are likely to rise, people will slowly awaken to the fact that life post lockdown is, in fact, the “new normal”.

Staying safe

One of the most important measures citizens of the country should abide by is keeping their distance and not forming large crowds and gatherings. Though the lockdown will be brought down amidst the fears of loss of economic activity, rising unemployment and dealing with labourers all over the country. People should be vigilant and carry out hygiene and safety measures, for the virus has not been eradicated from the face of the earth, just that it has been contained for the time being.

Wearing a mask will be part of the new normal

Fashion lifestyle is likely to take a hit. Immediately after the lockdown is done, people of the country will most likely be advised to wear a mask while going out. The Delhi government has already made it a mandate for citizens to not leave home without wearing a mask. In many cases, post the lockdown, people without masks in public places would be prosecuted, at least for the next 6 months. Some world health experts already suggest that masks should become an essential part of people's public dress code.

Social distancing is likely to stay

Social distancing, one of the major buzz words heard and practised during the pandemic is likely to stay. Experts suggest that large gatherings at public places should inculcate the social distancing habit.

Online work and work-from-home will be practised more

It is both a piece of good and bad news that work-lifestyle post the lockdown is going to defined by work from home and work from office days. Professionals might be asked to work-from-home several days of the week and people might be allowed to come to the office in shifts or rotation.

Public health infrastructure to be upgraded

COVID-19 has seriously exposed the shortcomings of the public health system. The is likely to strengthen public healthcare infrastructure, particularly in smaller towns and villages.

Life after the lockdown will define a new way of living

People should be mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually ready to adapt to this change. It won’t be easy, just as any change is. It is likely to be tough at the end, messy in the middle, but useful for humanity until the end.